Physical Activity

Physical Activity is the promotion and engagement of exercise and movement in addition to the 60 minute per week timetabled curriculum subject of Physical Education. St. Margaret’s National School actively promotes the message that children require 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. We have been very busy engaging in a wide variety of different programmes, ideas, and initiatives which have inspired the children to become more active.
St. Margaret’s National School promotes the full range of fundamental movement skills during break times and pupils are encouraged to run, play and to do ‘talking as you’re walking’. We have two daily playground breaks and our schoolyard is zoned to allow children to engage in a variety of different activities. Our school has playground leaders who set up activities and sports equipment during break times for others to use.
All pupils engage in an extended classroom-based physical activity break on wet days and short physical activity breaks during the day.
Our school incorporates physical activity into school calendar events as we hold different seasonal activities.
St. Margaret’s N.S. Active School Slogan 2023-2024
The children came up with their own slogans and colourful posters to promote the importance ‘being active’. They came up with so many creative ideas and the overall winner was Robyn in Fifth Class who came up with the slogan ‘IF YOU MOVE FOR AN HOUR YOU CAN PROVE YOUR POWER’.

Santa Dash 2024
On the 19th December the school yard was filled with festive cheer as children donned their favourite holiday headgear and danced to the Macarena before sprinting off in a lively Santa Dash.
Girls GAA Blitz
On the 22nd of February, many of the girls in 3rd – 6th class took part in a Gaelic football blitz.
5-A-Side Football Tournament
Great fun was had at St Margaret’s NS on Thursday the 7th of April when all the boys and girls from 3rd to 6th class took part in the FAI 5-a-side football tournament. Despite the breezy conditions the students sure made the most of the day.
Run Around Ireland 2022
In March we commenced a non-competitive running initiative called 'Run Around Ireland’. We mapped out a 350 metre track around the school and we decided that each lap would be equal to a kilometre (Younger classes ran laps of the Astro pitch). Every class in the...
We were delighted to welcome back Mark McCabe from SkipnRope to run a skipping workshop with our school in March. The aim of the workshop was to introduce children and teachers to the world of skipping. Skipping is a terrific form of exercise that helps a child’s...
Ball Stop Nets – DAA Community Fund
We would sincerely like to thank the DAA for the funding we received from the Dublin Airport Community Fund towards our new Ball Stop Nets. These durable nets are a fantastic addition to our yard extension and are much needed for our weekly Gaelic and soccer training sessions.
Active Walkway 2022
#FeelGoodFriday WALKWAY Day took place on 25th March. We used this day to launch our new and revised Active School Walkway for the first time. We are using the new walkway route to promote ‘Learning on the Move’ which ties in nicely with the Outdoor and Adventure strand in PE which we are focusing on this year.
Seachtain na Gaeilge 2022
We were delighted to be celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge with all classes in school this year. Ms. Keegan organised lots of fantastic activities for the children to participate in. Some of these activities included oral language games 'as gaeilge', quizzes, art,...
Feel Good Fridays!
Physical Activity makes you feel good! "International research proves that being physically active improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression and negative moods and by improving self-esteem and cognitive function." (Active School Flag) To raise awareness...
What Clubs are You In? Survey
The children in the Active Squad surveyed the pupils in our school to find out what sports clubs and activities they take part in outside of school. Check out our findings below.