Parents Association
The Parents’ Association of St. Margaret’s National School is affiliated to the National Parents’ Council of Ireland. The AGM of the Parents’ Association is held annually around October / November. All parents are welcome to attend meetings. The Parents’ Association host many events throughout the school year and your help is always greatly appreciated.

Committee Members 2023-2024
- Gerard McDermott (Chairperson)
- Audrey Dodd (Secretary)
- Maria Ritchie (Treasurer)
Anyone interested in becoming involved in the Parents’ Association should contact Gerard McDermott 087 2671420.
St Margaret’s National School Parents’ Association Email Address:
Under the guidelines of the National Parents Council relating to effective communication methods of Parents’ Associations, an email address has been set up for use by the St Margaret’s National School Parents’ Association. This email address is
Purpose of the email address:
The purpose of liaising with parents in relation to matters relating to the functions of the Parents’ Association.
The functions of the Parents’ Association include :
- To work with the principal, staff, and board of management to build an effective partnership between home and school
- To advise the principal and Board of Management on policy issues and incidents that may require a review of school policy
- To suggest and/or organise extracurricular activities
- To provide a support for parents in the school
- To invite speakers to address the parents on issues that are topical or relevant.

The Parents’ Association is not a forum for complaint against either an individual teacher or parent. The Complaints Procedure is the mechanism for this.
The email address will also be used to liaise with the school and relevant organisations on behalf of the St Margaret’s NS Parents’ Association.
Administration of the email Address:
Access to the email address is by the Chairperson and Secretary of St Margaret’s National School Parents’ Association.
Email addresses:
Email addresses of parents will be held in compliance with the Data Protection Act of 1988, which essentially means that they can only be held for the purpose for which they have been provided. Parents have the right to request that their email address is removed from the distribution list at any time. E-mail addresses of parents will be held only for the duration of the enrolment of their child(ren) in St Margaret’s National School. Email addresses of parents will be held only with the permission of parents. Email addresses will only be used for the purpose of liaising with parents in relation to issues connected to the functions of the Parents’ Association.
Purpose of Parents Communication

The importance of regular communication in relation to the functioning of St Margaret’s National School is to ensure that all parents of the school are kept up to date about the role, function, and activities of St Margaret’s NS Parents’ association.
Methods of Communication:
Communication with parents can be through a variety of sources, acknowledging that there are a variety of means in which parents are most likely to be effectively communicated with.
The methods of communication used by St Margaret’s National School Parents’ association are:
1. Telephone
2. Email
3. Letter via school
Working in Partnership with the School:
The importance of working in partnership with St Margaret’s School is a key cornerstone to effective communication. Feedback should be sought from the principal were relevant to correspondence with parents. The principal should receive a copy of all written communication with parents.