History STEM showcase!
Ms. Keegan’s 1st and 2nd Class were thrilled to be invited into 3rd & 4th class in March to admire their history projects. Ms. Dunne’s class enjoyed using Technology and made fascinating powerpoints using the school’s set of Chromebooks.
Engineering Week 2023
Engineering Week is probably one of our favourite weeks of the year here in St. Margarets NS!
ESB Science Blast!
5th and 6th class attended ESB Science Blast on the 28th of February to present all of their hard work and investigating they had completed to answer the question: ‘Why do our voices sound different?’. The class got excellent feedback from the judges on...Maths and our Greenhouse!
Earlier this year every class in St. Margarets NS planted bulbs in our school greenhouse. The Green Team take pride and responsibility in ensuring our plants receive adequate water throughout the week
Marvellous Bird Feeders!
3rd and 4th Class were busy this term making bird feeders. Children designed and made bird feeders using recycled bottles, string and a limited supply of materials