Amber Flag

Green Flag

St Margaret’s NS proudly holds an Amber flag award from 2022/23 for their promotion of mental health and well being in the school. 

The current student council under the guidance of Ms Lovely will continue the initiatives introduced by Ms Noone last year to continue to promote awareness of mental health issues in the school.  These initiatives include, Thankful Tuesdays, Feel good Fridays, the introduction of a buddy bench to the school yard, promotion of gratitude diaries and daily reflections, whole school acts of kindness such as friendship bracelet exchanges and secret Santa Christmas card exchanges.
       We also celebrate awareness activities such as World Mental health day, Diversity week, Friendship week and Anti-bullying week. Our student council members work hard to ensure all children feel happy, safe, included and cared for in school. Thank you to all our class representatives for their hard work. 

                                                                                                                                                                    The Amber Flag Committee 2023-24

1. Ms Lovely
2. Emer
3. Moya Hand
4. Robyn Kearney


Emma Fitzgerald


Fionn McGuirk


Mia Kapteine


Jack Fitzgerald


Ben McGowan


Pearse McGuirk


The Amber Flag initiative recognises the individual effort of schools to create healthy, inclusive environments that support the mental well-being of students, school staff, and wider school community.

The three main goals for the Amber Flag are:

1)To promote mental health and well-being for all.

2) Preventing mental health problems through increased awareness, social support, reducing risk factors such as racism, bullying and isolation.

3) Improve the quality of life for students with mental health problems by promoting recovery through awareness and education.

Friendship Week Fundraising Music Concert for Pieta House

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Friendship Week St. Margaret’s NS. 24th – 28th April 2023

Over the course of Friendship Week, Children in all classes participated in “New Friend Scavenger Hunts.” Class Lessons were taught on the theme of "Friendship" and the characteristics of what makes a good friend. The children wrote out “Friendship Recipes"  Children...

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Christmas Cheer Week 2022

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Anti-Bullying Week 2022

Anti-Bullying Week 2022

Anti-Bullying Week 2022 took place on Monday 14th – Friday 18th November with the theme ‘Reach Out’. The student council organised various activities for the whole school to participate in.

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Diversity Week 2022

Diversity Week 2022

Our slogan for Diversity Week was “Diversity is the one true thing we all have in common…let’s celebrate.” On Monday 20th June we launched the diversity flag and throughout the week each class participated in various activities to celebrate diversity.

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