Science is one of our favourite subjects in St. Margaret’s National School. Throughout the year classes are busy exploring, hypothesising and experimenting. We cover a variety of hands-on experiments based on the four strands of the curriculum.
- Living Things
- Energy and Forces
- Materials
- Environmental Awareness and Care
Each class hosts a science assembly during the year and this provides an opportunity for children to showcase what they have been learning as well as teach others new and exciting science facts. Ms. Keegan is our school’s science coordinator. This page showcases all the wonderful scientific work done in our school. Read on to learn about what we have been up to since the beginning of the year.
Science Week 2023 took place on the 12th-19th November. Junior and Senior infants collaborated with Ms Keegans 1st and 2nd class to investigate the fascinating world of fingerprints. This investigation will greatly support our application towards the Curious Minds Platinum Awards 2023/24.
Space Week 2023
The pupils in St. Margarets NS had a blast celebrating all things SPACE as part of Space Week 2023. Ms. Keegan organized a jam packed scheduled filled with different tasks to further ignite the rockets of curiosity and learning in all classes! In Ms. Gorman's room...
History STEM showcase!
Ms. Keegan’s 1st and 2nd Class were thrilled to be invited into 3rd & 4th class in March to admire their history projects. Ms. Dunne’s class enjoyed using Technology and made fascinating powerpoints using the school’s set of Chromebooks.
Engineering Week 2023
Engineering Week is probably one of our favourite weeks of the year here in St. Margarets NS!
ESB Science Blast!
5th and 6th class attended ESB Science Blast on the 28th of February to present all of their hard work and investigating they had completed to answer the question: 'Why do our voices sound different?'. The class got excellent feedback from the judges on their...
Maths and our Greenhouse!
Earlier this year every class in St. Margarets NS planted bulbs in our school greenhouse. The Green Team take pride and responsibility in ensuring our plants receive adequate water throughout the week
Marvellous Bird Feeders!
3rd and 4th Class were busy this term making bird feeders. Children designed and made bird feeders using recycled bottles, string and a limited supply of materials
Minecraft Education
As part of our Curious Minds Platinum Award application, children in all classes have been engaging with the Minecraft Education programme
Planting in the classroom!
Children in Ms. Dunne’s 3rd & 4th Class decided to dissect apples and use their seeds for planting.
SEAI Workshop
Recently Claire from the SEAI visited our school. The boys and girls from 1st to 6th class learned all about the different types of energy, where we can find stored energy and also how energy can be changed from one kind of energy to another.
Computer Science Week – Hour of Code!
The Hour of Code takes place each year during Computer Science Education Week. This year it took place in December and 5th & 6th Class enjoyed exploring the world of Minecraft with the help of their teacher Mr. Gillic who has a personal interest in java programming language.