
ASF Partnerships

Partnerships within and outside the school are an important aspect of the Active School Flag. When a school participates in the Active School Flag Programme it is vital to interact and engage with other organisations and clubs. We invite sports clubs, athletes and physical activity providers from the local community to talk to the pupils or to give taster sessions of their activity. We constantly try to raise awareness of the huge variety of ways in which people can be physically active.

Within St.Margaret’s N.S we established our own ASF committee at the outset of the process. The committee is made up of two pupils from each class in the school and they meet regularly with Ms. South to discuss their plans and initiatives for this active school year. The members keep all classes up to date on ASF news and events and they have various leadership roles and duties. Some of these duties include active yard monitors, PE equipment monitors, dance troop leaders and much more. Our school has an ASF notice board which is updated and monitored regularly.

Our school informs pupils and parents about physical activity opportunities that are available in the local community. The school has a strong relationship with St. Margaret’s Gaelic Athletic Club and we have weekly sessions with an external coach from the club.

St. Margaret’s N.S. acknowledges physical activity and sporting success achieved during and outside of school hours. The children’s achievements are documented on our school ASF notice board and they love to see their photos displayed.


Active Squad 2021 – 2022

The Benefits of Exercise for Children

Do your children walk or cycle to school? Skip at home? Walk the dog? Dance to their favourite music? Whatever it is, we should all be more active, more of the time. There are many reasons that children should become involved in Physical Activities. Here are just some...

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Gaeilge 24

Gaeilge 24

On the 12th of November our school dedicated one whole school day to speaking as Gaeilge. The aim of the challenge was to encourage our pupils to speak Irish non stop for one whole day: 24 hours: at home, at school, in shops and businesses, around the town, in sports...

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Green School – Climate Action Week 2019

Green School – Climate Action Week 2019

Climate Action Week provided the perfect opportunity to start a new planting project in our school. Every child in the school planted a bulb in our new planters which are made of old recycled tyres. On Friday 18th October we had a Zero Power Hour where our school gave...

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Dublin Airport Community Fund

Dublin Airport Community Fund

The Dublin Airport Community Fund supports local projects that make a positive contribution to neighbouring communities. We at St. Margaret’s N.S. are proud beneficiaries of this fund. It has enabled us to purchase 30 Chromebooks, portable interactive whiteboards and...

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Student Council

Student Council

A student council was set up in September 2019. The aim for the council is to promote inclusion, friendship, appreciation, participation, mindfulness and kindness within the school. There are 8 children on the student council and each representative was elected by...

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Land PAWS Programme

Land PAWS Programme

All of the children in St. Margaret's National School have completed the land PAWS programme. The programme is taught as part of the Aquatics PE strand and the SPHE curriculum. It outlines life-saving guidelines for children of every age. PAWS (Primary Aquatics Water...

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