Physical Activity

Physical Activity

Physical Activity is the promotion and engagement of exercise and movement in addition to the 60 minute per week timetabled curriculum subject of Physical Education. St. Margaret’s National School actively promotes the message that children require 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. We have been very busy engaging in a wide variety of different programmes, ideas, and initiatives which have inspired the children to become more active.

St. Margaret’s National School promotes the full range of fundamental movement skills during break times and pupils are encouraged to run, play and to do ‘talking as you’re walking’. We have two daily playground breaks and our schoolyard is zoned to allow children to engage in a variety of different activities. Our school has playground leaders who set up activities and sports equipment during break times for others to use.

All pupils engage in an extended classroom-based physical activity break on wet days and short physical activity breaks during the day.
Our school incorporates physical activity into school calendar events as we hold different seasonal activities.

St. Margaret’s N.S. Active School Slogan 2023-2024

The children came up with their own slogans and colourful posters to promote the importance ‘being active’. They came up with so many creative ideas and the overall winner was Robyn in Fifth Class who came up with the slogan ‘IF YOU MOVE FOR AN HOUR YOU CAN PROVE YOUR POWER’.

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Seachtain na Gaeilge

During Seachtain na Gaeilge Irish music was played on the yard at playtime. The children also learned three new dances throughout the week which included the following:  Ballaí Luimnigh, Shoe the Donkey and Dreoilín. Once each class had learned the steps "as gaeilge"...

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Local Park Runs

Local Park Runs

St Anne’s junior park run This is a 2k event for juniors only (4-14 year olds). The event takes place in St Anne’s Park, Mount Prospect Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 5 every Sunday at 9.30am. This is a free event but you must register online for your first time. Click here...

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Active Yards

Active Yards

The Active School Committee ensures that everybody tries to be active in the yard. They encourage pupils to ‘Do your Talking while You are Walking’ thus encouraging movement during break times. The squad members also ensure inclusion for everyone during break time...

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Run Around Europe

Run Around Europe

Last November we commenced a non-competitive running initiative called 'Run Around Europe’. We mapped out a 100 metre track around the school and we decided that each lap would be equal to a kilometre. Every class in the school has been participating in the initiative...

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Halloween Flash Mob Dance

Halloween Flash Mob Dance

The whole school performed a dance routine to Michael Jackson’s song ‘Thriller’ on our last day of school before midterm. The dance was choreographed by Ella, Sarah, Kate and Cara who taught the moves to the rest of the school. We all had great fun dancing in our...

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Active Homework

Active Homework

Each teacher is asking their class to continue to complete some form of PE homework every Monday night. This varies every week and within every class. It could be a simple task like getting out for a walk or cycle in the fine weather or some teachers have even...

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