Notice Board


Welcome Back

All the staff of St Margaret’s NS would like to give a warm welcome to each and every student within our school. We would like to especially welcome our new junior infants who completed their first day today!

The boys and girls were busy colouring, building, cutting and assembling blocks. They played new playground games, learned the school rules and listened to a story. They had a wonderful first day at school.

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Friendship Week Fundraising Music Concert for Pieta House

On 28th April 2023 we held a concert in which all parents, families and friends were invited to attend. This was an outdoor concert on the school grounds and there was an admission fee. A total of €540 was raised and all proceeds went directly to Pieta House. Our...

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Friendship Week St. Margaret’s NS. 24th – 28th April 2023

Over the course of Friendship Week, Children in all classes participated in “New Friend Scavenger Hunts.” Class Lessons were taught on the theme of "Friendship" and the characteristics of what makes a good friend. The children wrote out “Friendship Recipes"  Children...

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History STEM showcase!

Ms. Keegan’s 1st and 2nd Class were thrilled to be invited into 3rd & 4th class in March to admire their history projects. Ms. Dunne’s class enjoyed using Technology and made fascinating powerpoints using the school’s set of Chromebooks.

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Seachtain na Gaeilge 2023

We had immense fun celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge this year. Ms. Keegan organised activities for the children to participate in.

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Extras outstanding from the start of the school year should be paid to the teacher/office as soon as possible.

The Board of Management wishes to thank those of you who have already paid the Voluntary Contribution and also to those who have set up a Standing Order arrangement which includes the payment of the voluntary contribution. We hope even more families will set up standing orders for the next school year.

The suggested contribution for this school year is €100 per family.


Swimming for 1st and 2nd Class commenes Wed 2nd Oct for 6 weeks – pool is close Wed 16th Oct so no swimming that day. -Hats are compulsory – No hat – No swim – €50 to be paid to class teacher before 2nd Oct.

Cash for Clothes

There is a cash for clothes collection on Wednesday 16th Oct.  Please leave bags at front shelter on the morning of the collection.  This is a simple and easy way to raise funds for our school.. Please spread the word to friends and family.

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