PDST Physical Education Workshop 2022

PDST Physical Education Workshop 2022

As our strand for development this year is ‘Outdoor and Adventure’, we invited Tomás, a physical education facilitator from the PDST to our school to do fun and active workshops with every class. Tomás also touched on the stands ‘Gymnastics’ and ‘Dance’ and gave the teachers some fresh tips and ideas for lessons which was wonderful. 

Active Homework 2021/22

Active Homework 2021/22

As we are an active school, every Thursday the children are assigned some active homework. This varies every week and within every class. This year we are using the Daly Exercise+ app to assign homework. Homework tasks involve body weight circuits (no equipment needed) that a child and parent can complete together.

Land PAWS Programme

Land PAWS Programme

All of the children in St. Margaret’s National School have completed the land PAWS programme. The programme is taught as part of the Aquatics PE strand and the SPHE curriculum. It outlines life-saving guidelines for children of every age. PAWS (Primary Aquatics...