Winner of Mr. Mooney Swimming Shield 2022
Congratulations to Pippa who won the Mr. Mooney Shield Swimming Competition for 2022. St. Margaret’s N.S. retired principal, Mr. Mooney was delighted to present the coveted shield to her in person. Well done to all the children who participated.

Active Halloween 2022 – Feel Good Fridays
As part of our Active Halloween Feel Good Fridays initiative the children had lots of fun participating in a Halloween scavenger hunt, skeleton relays, exercise circuits and playground games.

Active School Slogan 2022- 2023
The children came up with their own slogans and colourful posters to promote the importance ‘being active’. They came up with so many creative ideas and the overall winner was Zoe Madigan in Third Class who came up with the slogan ‘Put Down Your Switch and Get On The Pitch’.

Run Around Ireland 2022
In March we commenced a non-competitive running initiative called ‘Run Around Ireland’. We mapped out a 350 metre track around the school and we decided that each lap would be equal to a kilometre (Younger classes ran laps of the Astro pitch). Every class in the...