We would sincerely like to thank the DAA for the funding we received from the Dublin Airport Community Fund towards our special education resources. We have used this funding to purchase a wide range of multi-sensory resources. We have successfully created a ‘Sensory Corner’ within our school. We utilised and transformed a previously unused area within the school, into a safe space where children from all classes can visit when they need a sensory release break or an emotional regulation break. We have purposefully designed this space to include specific resources which can cater for a varied sensory diet (e.g. visual, auditory, oral motor, proprioceptive, tactile, olfactory and vestibular) and provide children with sensory inputs they may need.
The funding also allowed us to purchase a Squeeze Machine for children who require a proprioceptive and tactile input as part of their sensory diet.
We have also completed our ‘Sensory Walkway’ project. This structured path will facilitate movement breaks and complement our sensory corner greatly. This space has created a positive atmosphere and children are able to regulate their emotions.
In St. Margaret’s National School we are continually striving to make our school as inclusive as possible so that children with all special education needs are accommodated for within the community.