Green Flag

Green Flag

Green-Schools is the leading environmental management and award programme in Ireland, working with primary and secondary schools across the country.

What is the Green-Schools Initiative?

The aim of the Green-Schools initiative is to promote long-term whole school action for the environment. It is a student-led programme with involvement from staff and the wider community. The programme is operated and co-ordinated by the Environmental Unit of An Taisce (FEE member of Ireland).

Within St.Margaret’s N.S we established our own Green School committee at the start of the year. The committee is made up of one pupil from each class in the school and they meet regularly with Ms. Dunne to discuss their plans and initiatives for the school year. The members keep all classes up to date on Green School news and events and they have various leadership roles and duties. They monitor classrooms at break times to ensure that all lights and projectors are off and we are saving energy. The committee members also visit each classroom regularly to remind everyone what goes into each waste bin and what we can and cannot recycle. Our school has a Green School notice board which is updated and monitored regularly.

St. Margaret’s N.S. Green School Slogan

This year we are focusing on the theme of Global Citizenship – Energy which is the seventh theme in the Green-Schools Programme. This theme takes a closer look at energy and climate issues worldwide. At the start of the year, the Green school committee ran a competition within the school to see who could come up with a school slogan appropriate for this year’s theme. Cara Hand in 5th Class was the overall winner who came up with the clever slogan “If us humans want to stay, we need to find a better way!”

National Tree Day 2024

National Tree Day 2024

5th & 6th Class planted a Hawthorn tree for National Tree Day. The beautiful Hawthorn Tree was kindly donated by the Tree Council of Ireland. The children learned loads about trees and appreciating the planet we live on.

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Maths and our Greenhouse!

Earlier this year every class in St. Margarets NS planted bulbs in our school greenhouse. The Green Team take pride and responsibility in ensuring our plants receive adequate water throughout the week

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Marvellous Bird Feeders!

3rd and 4th Class were busy this term making bird feeders. Children designed and made bird feeders using recycled bottles, string and a limited supply of materials

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Plastic Free Lunchbox Challenge

Earlier this year Ms. Dunne and the Green team devised a fantastic new challenge, to support our school’s application for our 8th green flag. This flag relates to work on Global Citizenship and the Marine Environment.

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SEAI Workshop 

SEAI Workshop 

Recently Claire from the SEAI visited our school. The boys and girls from 1st to 6th class learned all about the different types of energy, where we can find stored energy and also how energy can be changed from one kind of energy to another.

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Marine Environment Workshop

Marine Environment Workshop

Recently senior members of our Green Team attended a Marine Environment Workshop at the Spa hotel in Lucan.  The event was hosted by Green Schools and was thoroughly enjoyed by all in attendance.

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Trick or Treat for Temple Street 2022

Trick or Treat for Temple Street 2022

As Part of our Green School action plan we are making a big effort to create less waste and use less plastic. During our annual Trick or Treat for Temple Street fundraiser the St Margaret’s Green Team ran a competition encouraging the boys and girls to reuse old costumes and to create costumes from recycled materials.

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Picker Pals

Ms. Keegan’s 1st and 2nd Class were so excited to be able to take part in the Picker Pals programme this year. Children take turns to bring home the Picker Pals pack and collect...

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Green Team 2022- 2023

Green Team 2022- 2023

St Margarets NS are delighted to introduce our new Green Team.  Joey, Kinga, Rhys, Harry, Emma, Ryan, Kate and Conor.  We are so proud of all the boys and girls who show such passion in caring for the environment and our global community.  St Margaret’s has participated in the Greenschools programme for many years now. 

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