Earlier this year Ms. Dunne and the Green team devised a fantastic new challenge, to support our school’s application for our 8th green flag. This flag relates to work on Global Citizenship and the Marine Environment.

Our Green Code “BE FANTASTIC, GET RID OF PLASTIC” has been our motto for the last 2 years and we have all been working exceptionally hard to reduce our waste. We learned all about the oceans and the plants and animals that live there. We now understand why it is so important to protect them.St. Margarets NS participated in two ‘Plastic Free Lunchbox Challenges’ earlier this term. Led by Ms. Dunne and the Green Team, children were encouraged to present lunchboxes with no plastic wrappers. Each day class representatives from the Green Team distributed tokens, to children who presented plastic free lunchboxes. The leaderboard displayed in our glass corridor really motivated pupils and there was a great sense of ‘environmentally friendly’ competition amongst teachers too! 

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