The core theme for Science Week 2020 was ‘Science Week – Choosing our Future’ focusing on how science can improve our lives in the future, and in the present. In St. Margaret’s N.S. we explored how science can help us to make positive choices that will impact the environment, our health, and our quality of life. Take a look below to see what each class got up to for Science Week 2020.

Infants –  1st & 2nd Class

The children in Infants, 1st Class and 2nd Class learned about the heart and the lungs. They conducted an experiment where they recorded their resting heart rate, before, during and after exercise. They used plasticine and a drinking straw and observed their moving pulse on their wrists. They also explored the function of the lungs by making model lungs using a plastic bottle and some small balloons. Through this experiment they were able to visualise and understand the process involved in breathing.

The children in 1st and 2nd Class also explored the importance of wellbeing. They had the opportunity to design a school grounds that promotes wellbeing. Take a look at some of the photos from Science Week below.

Junior & Senior Infants

1st & 2nd Class

3rd & 4th Class

The children in 3rd and 4th Class had a guest speaker who spoke on the theme of Global Action. They conducted a colour changing milk experiment. The children discovered that milk is mostly water, but it also contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, and tiny droplets of fat.

The children in 3rd and 4th Class also also had the opportunity to design a school grounds that promotes wellbeing. Take a look at some of the photos from Science Week below.

5th & 6th Class

The children in 5th and 6th Class also had a guest speaker who spoke on the theme of Global Action. They also engaged in ‘I’m a Scientist, get me out of here!’. This was an interactive online activity where the children could chat to a real scientist and ask them questions about their careers and the world of Science.

In keeping with the theme of wellbeing, the children designed a school grounds that promotes this. They used recycled materials to create their models. Take a look at some of the photos from Science Week below.

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