Notice Board

Active Yards 2021

Active Yards 2021

The Active Squad have been trained in as playground leaders. They set up the cones and equipment on the yard for big lunch every day. They also collect the equipment at the end of yard time and clean it down to ensure that it's ready for the next day. The children are...

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Engineering Book Donation

Engineering Book Donation

CS Consulting which is a Civil & Structural Engineering Company is 10 years old this year. To celebrate this, the Directors of the company have donated 1,000 copies of a beautiful children’s book about structural engineering to 1,000 primary schools around the country.

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Outdoor Classroom Project

Outdoor Classroom Project

We would sincerely like to thank the DAA for the funding we received from the Dublin Airport Community Fund towards our new greenhouse. Thanks to our Parents’ Association we have also received funding from the DAA for three eight seater hexagonal picnic benches as part of our outdoor classroom project.

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Space Week 2021

Space Week 2021

We celebrated Space Week this year from Monday 4th - Friday 8th October 2021. The children in 1st/2nd Class and 5th/6th Class learned all about the famous astronaut Neil Armstrong, made papier maiche planets and speculated on the essential and non essential items that...

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Meet the Active Squad 2021-22

Meet the Active Squad 2021-22

This years Active Squad is made up of children from Infants to 6th class. The children in the Active Squad have been very busy organising fun activities for the whole school. They are also responsible for setting up the equipment for our active yards daily as well as...

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Active Homework 2021/22

Active Homework 2021/22

As we are an active school, every Thursday the children are assigned some active homework. This varies every week and within every class. This year we are using the Daly Exercise+ app to assign homework. Homework tasks involve body weight circuits (no equipment needed) that a child and parent can complete together.

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Extras outstanding from the start of the school year should be paid to the teacher/office as soon as possible.

The Board of Management wishes to thank those of you who have already paid the Voluntary Contribution and also to those who have set up a Standing Order arrangement which includes the payment of the voluntary contribution. We hope even more families will set up standing orders for the next school year.

The suggested contribution for this school year is €100 per family.


Swimming for 1st and 2nd Class commenes Wed 2nd Oct for 6 weeks – pool is close Wed 16th Oct so no swimming that day. -Hats are compulsory – No hat – No swim – €50 to be paid to class teacher before 2nd Oct.

Cash for Clothes

There is a cash for clothes collection on Wednesday 16th Oct.  Please leave bags at front shelter on the morning of the collection.  This is a simple and easy way to raise funds for our school.. Please spread the word to friends and family.

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