Notice Board

Maths Week 2022

Maths Week 2022

We celebrated Maths Week this year from 17th- 21st October. Ms. Keegan who is our school science coordinator, organised a jam packed week of activities for all classes in our school.

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Trip to Microsoft ‘Dream Space’

Trip to Microsoft ‘Dream Space’

5th and 6th Class took a trip to ‘Dream Space’ in One Microsoft Place. In preparation for their visit, they pondered the questions: ‘How will the world be different in 2050?’ and ‘What would you like to be when you grow up?’.

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Active School Slogan 2022- 2023

Active School Slogan 2022- 2023

The children came up with their own slogans and colourful posters to promote the importance ‘being active’. They came up with so many creative ideas and the overall winner was Zoe Madigan in Third Class who came up with the slogan ‘Put Down Your Switch and Get On The Pitch’.

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Picker Pals

Ms. Keegan’s 1st and 2nd Class were so excited to be able to take part in the Picker Pals programme this year. Children take turns to bring home the Picker Pals pack and collect...

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Green Team 2022- 2023

Green Team 2022- 2023

St Margarets NS are delighted to introduce our new Green Team.  Joey, Kinga, Rhys, Harry, Emma, Ryan, Kate and Conor.  We are so proud of all the boys and girls who show such passion in caring for the environment and our global community.  St Margaret’s has participated in the Greenschools programme for many years now. 

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Extras outstanding from the start of the school year should be paid to the teacher/office as soon as possible.

The Board of Management wishes to thank those of you who have already paid the Voluntary Contribution and also to those who have set up a Standing Order arrangement which includes the payment of the voluntary contribution. We hope even more families will set up standing orders for the next school year.

The suggested contribution for this school year is €100 per family.


Swimming for 1st and 2nd Class commenes Wed 2nd Oct for 6 weeks – pool is close Wed 16th Oct so no swimming that day. -Hats are compulsory – No hat – No swim – €50 to be paid to class teacher before 2nd Oct.

Cash for Clothes

There is a cash for clothes collection on Wednesday 16th Oct.  Please leave bags at front shelter on the morning of the collection.  This is a simple and easy way to raise funds for our school.. Please spread the word to friends and family.

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