We had great fun during Maths week (10th – 18th October). The children took part in lots of different fun activities that all included some aspect of Maths. This year some classes tuned into Maths Week TV, which was broadcast live each morning for primary school children. In addition to this, all children participated in a Maths Week Quest online, where as a school we competed on a national level. The quest involved playing online maths activities on mangahigh.com to score points for our school. The schools that topped the leaderboard at the end of the week were the overall winners. Although we did not win this year, the children are already looking forward to participating in next years quest.



Maths Week 2019


We had great fun during Maths week. The children took part in lots of different fun activities that all included some aspect of Maths. We had guessing games, maths trails, maths games, maths problem of the week and we explored measure through baking. Here are some of the activities different classes got up to during the week.

Junior and Senior Infants

1st and 2nd Class

3rd and 4th Class

5th and 6th Class


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