Wednesday the 17th of April was a very exciting day in 5th and 6th Class.  As part of their participation in the Junior Entrepreneur Programme (JEP), they had a visit from some “Dragons”.  Kelly from Crafty-Keepsakes, Conor from Keelings and Barry from Newpark Construction.  They were very impressed by the business skills on display in our school.

Over the past couple of weeks, the students worked in groups to create product ideas for a class business.  They researched costs and calculated potential products.  Considered their market and how to package and sell their product.  They even came up with special offers to promote further sales.

The Dragons had an extremely tough decision to make as each group presented their ideas with enthusiasm and professionalism.  They did themselves, their teacher and their school proud.

Eventually “Dogtastic” was chosen as the business to bring forward to the next step of the process.

Watch out for our sustainable dog toys going on sale in the near future. 

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