Feel Good Fridays!
Physical Activity makes you feel good! “International research proves that being physically active improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression and negative moods and by improving self-esteem and cognitive function.” (Active School Flag) To...Active Break Every Day Challenge 2021
For the month of November all classes took part in a four week challenge to increase movement breaks during the school day. Every day, classes took a 5-10 minute break from school work to move. Some days the classes went outdoors to run around the school, while other...Christmas Fair 2021
St. Margaret’s National School Parents’ Association invite you to join them at the school on Friday 10th December from 5pm to 7pm for a Christmas fair fundraiser. Community, friends and family all welcome. We look forward to seeing you there.
Active Yards 2021
The Active Squad have been trained in as playground leaders. They set up the cones and equipment on the yard for big lunch every day. They also collect the equipment at the end of yard time and clean it down to ensure that it’s ready for the next day. The...Raffle Winners 2021
This years raffle was a huge success. A total of €840 was raised for the school. We would like to say a big thank you to the Parents’ Association for organising the prizes and hampers.